In the broader sense, though part of the same word called "media", journalism and corporate communications/ public relations are two opposite sides of the spectrum. Both the jobs are fundamentally different and having experienced both sides of the world, I have observed some interesting/funny differences between how each one functions. I am sure there are exceptions, but by and large, this holds true. The idea is also not to undermine or appreciate one over the other as I can assure you that each one has its own pros and cons. Hope you will be able to relate to some of them, if not all.

You go to office on Monday and start working immediately. No one really cares to ask about your weekend gone by | Monday begins with "Hey dear! How was your weekend, what did you do" and the most common reply is "Awesome" |
Editor calls you up at mid night and asks you to finish that article in 1 hour. I don't know the meaning of next month or quarter | Manager does a meeting/concall with you at a planned time slot of the week and says "We need to think about publishing an article in the next quarter or so" |
Afternoon: Finish off this work and then that work. The list goes on. | Afternoon: Let's take a tea break, how about some coffee? |
Editor: Go and cover the event tomorrow | Manager: We need to think about doing an event soon |
Weekend: What is that? | Weekend: Saturdays and Sundays are so much fun. Let's go for an outing |
A lot of time is spent outside office but what is an office outing really like? | Let's go out for an office outing, an off-site or a CSR activity |
Friday: So what? There's a deadline tomorrow | Friday: What are your weekend plans? Happy weekend |
Journalist: But, how does it matter? I am happy, I am the king, I get to do what I like, I also get all the VIP treatment | Corp Comm: I like the comfort of my job but there is no deep satisfaction. It's all part of the work and we have to do it |